+91 7673960151
Little Flower Junior College… Little Flower Junior College is situated on Tarnaka, Uppal Road opposite to the Survey Of India. The set up comprises large colorful buildings, beyond spacious grounds, not available elsewhere. The entire setup is enclosed within a tall boundary wall, lined with large trees. There are five institutions here, among which the Junior College is now the main one.
As we enter the stylishly-designed gates to the left, there is a large garden surrounding the Brothers’ Quarters. To the right, is a huge ground. A regal statue of our Patron Saint Theresa - popularly remembered as ‘Little Flower of Baby Jesus’, welcomes us. There are large grounds for Football, Basketball and Volleyball.
The first building upon entering is the Degree and P.G. College. A little further is the Junior College. It has a huge three – storeyed building – ground floor with three other floors. To the right after entering the Junior College is the Administrative Block. The Reception is the first room. Beyond this, there are three rooms for the clerical staff, fee counter and the Vice Principal’s office. There is a Xerox room and Infirmary beyond that. There is a Conference Room – right next to the Principal’s Office. The last large room is the Principal’s Office. There is a small Auditorium to the left of the Admin Block – known as the Heritage Hall.
There is a wide hallway leading to the Classrooms for Humanities. At the end of the right side, is the Department of Humanities which consists of lecturers of Commerce, Economics and Political Science. The staff here are known for their high standards of teaching. When ranking was in practice - State toppers of MEC and CEC were from our college. Even now, these students do very well in competitive exams such as CA Foundation Entrance Exam as well as CLAT exam. There is a staircase at the end of the left side which leads to the first floor – generally used by girl students. On returning to the main corridor, the main staircase leads to the first floor – generally used by boy students. There is a lift available opposite to the staircase for the staff members.
The first floor has a Library to the right side – a spacious, well ventilated room with cupboards full of books of all subjects. As we go forward on the corridor to the left we have six classrooms, three on each side. The Department of English is on the end of the right side. Besides teaching English, they do a lot of counseling to the students, organize events and competitions and conduct English practical. Their teaching results in cent percent result in English, every year.
On the second floor, there is a Physics lab to the right side. There is a small staffroom for the Physics staff, comprising five lecturers who have had cent percent result almost every year. They also do coaching for Competitive Exams. Next to the Physics lab is a small room which was for IIT coaching earlier but is now used by different subject teachers to take classes. Opposite the Physics Lab is the Computer Lab – always full of students. There are two very efficient staff members training the students well in Computer applications. They also take care of many other duties.
We cross the wide corridor to the classrooms on the right side at the end of which is the Staff room for the seven lecturers of Maths. They teach the IPE syllabus as well a do coaching for several entrance exams – like EAMCET, JEE Mains etc. They work very hard as they have to handle two papers in Maths, Maths A and Maths B.
As we climb higher to the Third Floor we can see the Chemistry Lab to the right side – beside this large lab – of the same dimensions as Physics lab below this, there is Chemistry Staffroom. The Staff room is beside the Lab. There are five lecturers for Chemistry, very efficient and systematic. They, like other Optional subject Science teachers also take coaching classes for various Entrance exams.
The Biology Lab and classrooms are situated opposite the Chemistry Lab. These are better known as R.No 309 and 310. 309 is for students taking NEET coaching. Both the Biology lecturers have joined this year. However they are very sincere and dedicated like other members of the Staff. On two sides of the corridor several Notice Boards are located as also outside the Staff room for providing important information to the students. In fact such Notice Boards are provided on every floor. To the right side of the corridor there are three classrooms followed by he Staff room for the Biology lecturers as well as the lecturers teaching II Languages. Generally students do not take language seriously. However there is the Hindi Sir who has not allowed a single student to fail in all his years of teaching here. There are the lecturers in Sanskrit, French and Telugu. Sanskrit and French are the first choice of students and their parents as the students can score 99 % in both. This is not accurate as students can score 99% in Hindi and Telugu as well. Apart from teaching the languages these teachers take care of late comers every morning both at the front and back entrance.
The third floor classrooms are usually for the students taking coaching for various entrance exams. These classes begin at 8 am in the morning.
Every floor has a washroom in each staff room and washrooms for girl students on the Ground, first and second floor and for Boys on the ground and third floor. Drinking water is available on every floor. There is a large Quadrangle beside the Admin Block. The windows of the right side classes open on it. This Quadrangle is lined by lots of potted plants, always purifying the air to keep the students healthy and strong. At the end of it is the canteen and the Invertor room.
The spacious campus reflects the open and broadminded approach we have to life and education. Students feel very happy in the pleasant ambience to work hard and take their ambitions forward. In fact the students who come here to take various competitive exams are also impressed by the infrastructure and say that they would have liked to study here as the ambience is so pleasant and calm.
Little Flower Junior College, Uppal, Hyderabad 500039
+(91) 7673960151
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