  • 7th Dec. 2024 - Golden Jubilee Celebration,  8th Dec. 2024 -  Alumni Golden Jubilee Celebration.

Golden Jubilee



Golden Jubilee



Vision & Mission

•Montfortian Education is committed to the Gospel values of equality, fraternity, freedom and human brotherhood, striving to transform the society through the education mission.
•We, the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel together with all our associates, by our value based educational endeavours, hope to build a fraternal society by moulding the personality of each individual under our care, trusting in God and drawing inspiration from our Founder St. Louis Marie De Montfort.
•We shall strive to make socially conscious and concerned individuals who reach the destined level of excellence and take up the responsibility as leaders of integrity with a preferential option for the less privileged.
Our aim is to prepare teenage students for life. They, as individuals and members of the society, must be helped to develop qualities of mind and heart as well as the necessary skills and aptitudes which would enable them to be concerned and contributing members of the society and of the nation. To achieve this along with academic excellence we focus our attention on the following.
• Spiritual Dimension. • Person oriented approach. • Social or other related aspects. • Professional or work orientation. • National or Citizen related strategies. • Universal brotherhood and International understanding.

Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel

Though the Montfortian society was founded in the 18 century, it is only in 1903 that the Brothers came to India. Today they work in over 200 educational, social and cultural establishments throughout the country. The activities of the Brothers of St. Gabriel in India are as multifarious as the needs of the country. They can be found in schools, technical institutes and colleges of higher learning, in the special education and rehabilitation of the blind and the deaf, in care for the aged, disabled and orphaned, in youth organizations, in the urban slums and remote tribal villages and in movements for civil rights and communal amity. You being a member of this institution are a part of this Montfortian family, a part of the growth process in which we all travel together inspired by St. Montfort – Our Founder.

Theme of the Year
